Research Article Critique Assignment

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Research Article Critique Assignment Instructions


You MUST critique the article “Student Motivation, Stressors, and Intent to Leave Nursing Doctoral Study: A National Study Using Path Analysis” by Volkert, Candela, & Bernacki provided in the Learn section for this module. This is an in-depth critique of the selected article. It will provide a model of how you can critique any article. It may seem like a daunting task but the more you practice critiquing research, the easier and quicker the process. For this assignment, provide rationale for your answers, citing factual material as you talk about research principles.


·        Number all pages: The title page will be page 1 (see the current APA manual for format of title page and use of running head with page number). Do not include an abstract or table of contents. Do include a reference page that cites the article you critiqued and other sources utilized.

·        Format the body of the assignment as follows: Use main centered headings (i.e., Introduction; Problem/Purpose, Literature Review) as stated on the Research Article Critique Template and then respond to the bulleted items/questions that are in italics (type your responses in regular font; be sure to address each question).

·        Be sure to clearly explain answers, validate “yes” and “no” answers with at least a comment or two. Some of your responses will be more detailed and should be in narrative form. Use proper grammar and proper sentence structure.

·        Title page, citations, and reference page should be in current APA format.

·        This assignment should be 8 – 10 pages and include the use of at least 3 scholarly sources (exclusive of the article that is critiqued).

Utilize the Research Article Critique Template to complete this assignment.

NOTE: Refer to the points on critiquing research studies that are detailed throughout the textbook and other sources as needed.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool

Research Article Critique Assignment

Article Critique

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Volkert, D., Candela, L., & Bernacki, M. (2018). Student motivation, stressors, and intent to leave nursing doctoral study: A national study using path analysis. Nurse Education Today, 61, 210–215.

Part I: Comprehension


·        Yes, the authors are qualified as all of them are scholars and teach at various universities, such as the University of West Georgia and the University of Nevada in the Department of Nursing and psychology, which are relevant to the study.

·        Yes, the article’s title was relevant to the study

·        The abstract is good content as it has all the content that is found in the actual study, starting in ascending order, starting with the background, objectives, design, settings, participants, methods, results, and conclusion.


·        The high attrition rate among nursing doctoral students.

·        Yes, the authors provide adequate information about the problem, such as persistence and motivation and environmental stressors.

·        Yes, the authors explain the aim of the objective as the intent to examine the rationale behind environmental stressors being the cause of attrition for nursing doctoral study.

Literature Review

·        No, some of the references are outdated, as some are past the 10-year limit.

·        No, the authors do not critique other studies or peer-reviewed articles they use.

·        Yes, the author summarizes and provides a section for the implication for practice.

Framework/ Theoretical Perspective

·        The theory is explicitly expressed in the literature review.

·        The authors tie the theory through the research design and its participants.

·        Academic mediation theory, as it explains other factors in the role of students dropping out of the study.

List the Research Question(s) or Hypotheses

·        Environmental stressors play a key role when it comes to the high attrition rate of nursing doctoral study students.

·        What is the role of environmental stressors in the attrition rate among doctoral students?

Identify and Define Variables

·        There are no independent variables.

·        There are no dependent variables.

·        The environmental factors such as health issues, support, and financial issues.

Demographics of Sample

·        The demographics were based on the results as stipulated: 53.7% of full-time students, with 46.3% of the students being part-time students.

Research Design

·        The survey study was meant to determine if environmental stressors could have an impact on student’s willingness to leave their program.

·        The researcher did not carry out a pilot study.

Sample/ Setting

·        The eligibility criteria were that the participants had to be doctoral students.

·        Participants were not random and were collected from 311 doctoral programs.

·        The attrition rate was not discussed

·        Before participation, the participants had to give consent

·        Yes, the study fits in well with the objectives

Measurement, Methods & Instruments

·        Someone developed the measurement tool used.

·        Robust maximum likelihood estimator.

·        The authors did not talk about the reliability and validity of the instruments used.

Data Collection

·        The data was collected using the Full Model.

·        The data was collected longitudinally over some time.

·        The data was collected from the programs.

Statistical Analyses

·        Root mean square error of approximation and standardized root mean square residual were used as the statistical measures.

·        The level of significance was 0.001, which established there was a correlation of cause and effect.

Implication of Findings

·        Nursing faculty preparation, social support, and friendly leave policies.

·        Financial support


·        No access to the doctoral students.

·        Giving consent.

Generalization of Findings

·        The authors did not generalize their findings to the population.

Suggestions for Further Study

·        To build upon more knowledge of this population of students.


·        The APA style of writing was accurately used without any punctuation or grammatical errors.

Part II

·        The steps were chronologically followed, with all the methods used having relevance to what is being taught.

·        Yes, the findings are based on the findings of previous studies.

·        The study was conducted professionally, making it a credible source of reference.

·        The findings of the study are crucial to understanding why doctoral students are dropping out of the programs and finding other means to prevent the occurrence of the same.

·        The article is superbly presented, showing the cause and effect of certain occurrences within the education center.

Arcadi, P., Simonetti, V., Ambrosca, R., Cicolini, G., Simeone, S., Pucciarelli, G., Alvaro, R., Vellone, E., & Durante, A. (2021). Nursing during the COVID‐19 outbreak: A phenomenological study. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(5), 1111–1119.


·        The authors are trained nurses, making them relevant to the study.

·        The title fits well with the article.

·        The contents of the abstract include the aim, background, methods, results, conclusions, and implications for nursing management.


·        The study was meant to discuss the experiences of Italian nurses during the pandemic

·        Yes, they provide adequate information in the background section

·        Yes, the authors explain the aim of the study extensively in the background section.

Literature Review

·        No, the references are not current.

·        No, the authors do not critique the articles they use.

·        Yes, the authors summarize and provide the need for further study,

Framework/Theoretical Perspective

·        The framework is explicitly expressed in the introduction section.

·        The authors specifically tie the framework through the incorporation of studies that dealt with previous pandemics.

·        Transmission mechanism theory explains how diseases are spread, especially infectious diseases.                                                                                                                                                                                       

List the Research Question(s) or Hypotheses

·        This study aimed to determine the experiences that Italian nurses underwent during the pandemic.

·        Could the nurses talk about lived experience when caring for patients affected by COVID-19? What did this experience mean to them? Could they speak about positive and negative experiences that were particularly significant to them during the pandemic?

Identify and Define Variables

·        There are no independent variables.

·        There are no dependent variables.

·        Exogenous variables include the use of personal protective equipment.

Demographics of Sample

·        Twenty nurses were recruited, with 13 males and 7 females

Research Design

·        The research was descriptive

·        The researcher did not conduct a pilot study.


·        The inclusion criteria were nurses who were living with COVID-19 patients.

·        The sampling was purposive, which meant any person chosen was nonrandom.

·        20 nurses were chosen, and no attrition rate was discussed in the study.

·        Yes, there was informed consent obtained through the Institutional Review Board of The University of Rome Tor Vergata.

·        The setting of the study aligned perfectly with its objectives.

Measurement, Methods & Instruments

·        The authors used a video call when conducting the interview

·        Voice-over Internet Protocol was the device used to make the video calls.

·        The authors do not discuss reliability and validity.

Data Collection

·        Data was collected through interviews that were conducted through a video call.

·        The timing was a one-time collection.

·        Data was collected in the hospitals where nurses were staying with the nurses.

Statistical Analyses

·        The authors used the Hermeneutic phenomenological process.

·        The level of significance was not identified in the study

Implication of Findings

·        There was a change in the meaning of care, in consideration to how it was previously considered. There was a change in how time and space were perceived, which ultimately affected how people perceived fear and uncertainty.


·        No limitations identified.

·        No direct access to the nurses.

Generalization of Findings

·        No, the authors did not generalize their findings

Suggestions for Further Study

·        There was a need to conduct more studies on nurses when dealing with COVID-19 patients.


·        The paper was in the current format of APA writing style and has no grammatical errors, spelling, or punctuation. The sentences are structured, organized, and clear.

Part II. Comparison and Analysis

Overall Evaluation

·        All the processes of the research process were followed logically and fit with the intent of the study. The research questions made sense in the literature review.

·        Yes, the findings are building on the previous studies

·        The study is impressive and credible.

·        The study offers a different perspective, especially given that there is little information on the same.

·        The study offers insight into the challenges that nurses have and continue to undergo through.

Dall’Ora, C., Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Griffiths, P. (2020). Burnout in nursing: a theoretical review. Human Resources for Health, 18(1), 1–17.

Part I: Comprehension


·        The authors are qualified as they are scholars in nursing and management.

·        Yes, the title fits well with the content of the article.

·        The abstract is consistent with the content as it starts with the introduction, methods, results, and conclusions.


·        Factors associated with burnout in nursing

·        Yes, the authors provide adequate background information on burnout among nurses

·        Yes, the authors explain the aim of the purpose of the study,

Literature Review

·        No, some of the references are beyond 10 years

·        Yes, the authors critique the articles they have used in the study.

·        Yes, the authors summarize the literature to point out the factors related to burnout among nurses.

Framework/ Theoretical Perspective

·        Yes, the framework is explicitly expressed in the introduction

·        Yes, the authors tie the framework by establishing theories established in other articles

·        The conservation of resources theory argues that burnout is possible when energy, objects, better conditions, and personal characteristics are absent. 

List the Research Question(s) or Hypotheses.

·        Causes and consequences of burnout in nursing.

·        What is known and unknown about the cause and consequences of burnout in nursing, and how does this relate to the theories of burnout among nurses?

Identify and Define Variables

·        No identified independent variables

·        No identified dependent variables

·        Exogenous variables present workload, working patterns, psychological demands, and work environment.

Demographics of Sample

·        91 studies were collected from 28 countries, with 35 studies in North America, 28 European studies, and 18 studies from Asia.

Research Design

·        The research design is experimental.

·        The researchers did not conduct a pilot study.

Sample/ Setting

·        The inclusion criteria


Arcadi, P., Simonetti, V., Ambrosca, R., Cicolini, G., Simeone, S., Pucciarelli, G., Alvaro, R., Vellone, E., & Durante, A. (2021). Nursing during the COVID‐19 outbreak: A phenomenological study. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(5), 1111–1119.

Dall’Ora, C., Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Griffiths, P. (2020). Burnout in nursing: a theoretical review. Human Resources for Health, 18(1), 1–17.

Volkert, D., Candela, L., & Bernacki, M. (2018). Student motivation, stressors, and intent to leave nursing doctoral study: A national study using path analysis. Nurse Education Today, 61, 210–215.

End of Preview

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Volkert, D., Candela, L., & Bernacki, M. (2018). Student motivation, stressors, and intent to leave nursing doctoral study: A national study using path analysis. Nurse Education Today, 61, 210–215.

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·        Yes, the authors are qualified as all of them are scholars and teach at various universities, such as the University of West Georgia and the University of Nevada in the Department of Nursing and psychology, which are relevant to the study. 


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