Analyzing Marketing Ethical Security and Privacy Issues Involving Connected Devices

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W​‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‌​rite a short essay about Analyzing a Marketing Ethical Security and Privacy Issue Involving Connected Devices. ​‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‌​Once you accept the offer to complete the order, I will then upload the files needed to complete the short essay​‌‌‌‍‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‌​.

Do not use pronouns I, me, my, mine, she, her, him or his in this paper. The professor does not want these pronouns to be used for this assignment.

4 references are required. The textbook listed below, 2 peer-reviewed journal articles and the provided website. The website is listed below in the assignment details.

This textbook must be used for the assignment reference:

·         Textbook

Baltzan, P. (2021). Business Driven Technology (9th ed). New York: McGraw Hill Education.

  • Chapter 5 - Organizational Structures That Support Strategic Initiatives
  • Chapter 6 - Valuing and Storing Organizational Information—Databases
  • Chapter 7 - Accessing Organizational Information—Data Warehouses

Add 2 (or more) Peer Reviewed journal articles from 2018 to 2023 only, for the assignment. A journal article from 2017 or earlier will be accepted (The journal articles must be peer reviewed with volume, issue, page numbers and doi links).


Kaya, B., & Karatepe, O.M. (2020). Does servant leadership better explain work engagement, career satisfaction and adaptive performance than authentic leadership? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(6), 275-295. doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-05-2019-0438

Write 550 words for this assignment (No more than 575 words please) using the four references. Remember, each peer reviewed journal article must be from 2018 to 2023 onlyAPA. Times New Roman. Font Size 12. Double spaced.

Choose a name for the short essay – (Analyzing a Marketing Ethical Security and Privacy Issue Involving Connected Devices -- Truly change the name if you think the name that I selected is not suitable enough).


The purpose of the assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the unit’s key learning points and how you might apply them in a given situation.

Read the article “Big data security, privacy becomes a concern for marketing analytics” by Mekhala Roy at: Explain the reasons a marketing department would want a data mart instead of just accessing the entire data warehouse. Then address this question from the article: “How do organizations arrive at data security, privacy and ethics in a world of connected devices?”

***(This is Crucial)*** Ensure to follow the 4 sentence per paragraph rule, which includes one sentence for each of the following: Main ideaEvidence with citationArgument (or Analysis) with citationLast (or closing) sentence. Maximum at 7 sentences per paragraph

***When writing the paper, each paragraph must follow the four steps (meaning your paragraphs must be at least 4 sentences long and no longer that 7 sentences:

-      Main idea: introduce the focus of the paragraph.

-      Evidence: support the main idea with source information.

-      Analysis: explain and analyze the source information.

-      Lead Out: conclude the topic, like the conclusion paragraph.

 In your conclusion, summarize the main strengths and challenges.       

Write 550 words with 4 references (the textbook, 2 peer-reviewed journal articles and the provided website) with the response.

Analyzing Marketing Ethical Security and Privacy Issues Involving Connected Devices

Analyzing Marketing Ethical Security and Privacy Issues Involving Connected Devices

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Code and Name

Instructor’s Name

Due Date

Pirated Software

           Pirated software is the use of software that allows others to copy, distribute, and operate other programs. Pirated software is an ethical issue due to digital theft and denying another individual who has rightfully designed a life out of software development (Cascavilla et al., 2021). The consequences of using pirated software are that other software developers have been led to legal risks owing to the respective demands of their users. This paper focuses on determining how pirated software is an ethical issue when marketing connected devices.

           With an estimated more than $500 billion in the Internet of Things markets, it is estimated that an average person will have more than ten devices, which will result in them being interconnected (Chng et al., 2022). Ultimately, this will mean that most of these devices are subject to the aftermath of pirated software. Marketing is one of the most critical aspects in the business world and has, in the past, resulted in the loss of countless jobs. The attraction to pirated software lies in its ease of access and anonymity, which makes it beneficial in marketing, giving an individual an advantage over their competitors.

           Connected devices provide marketers with the advantage that they have access to various ways through which they can determine and make better predictions. In the modern world, it has become apparent that there is a need to understand markets from different perspectives. The logic lies in some elements determining marketing, such as market volatility, which can be established using connected devices looking into various ways to determine where the market may be failing.

           Pirated software is an ethical issue, especially for individuals who are doing online marketing, which is very critical for them to have various devices at one given time (Baltzan, 2022). The logic is that marketers rely on having such information to make crucial decisions. In a globalized market, it is essential to comprehend the use of multiple devices at a time to help marketers make the right decision. Hence, the rationale behind ensuring that pirated software is always avoided as it would have devastating consequences (Baltzan, 2022).

Some of the most common impacts of pirated software include but are not limited to counterfeiting, which impairs the integrity of making decisions. In recent times, online piracy has become apparent, especially when it comes to slowing down the functionality of devices (4 Best Practices for Big Data Security in Cloud Computing, n.d). When it comes to marketing, making the right decision at an appropriate time is essential; this gives competitors an added advantage. The ultimate goal when it comes to marketing is to make decisions that have the potential to alter the success of a product.

           The bottom line is that pirated software increases the chance of software malfunctioning or failure, the rationale being that most pirated software is a predisposing factor to viruses or defective software. From a marketing perspective, more technical support is needed to improve decisions; making decisions that can potentially cause long-term impacts is crucial. When one connected device is impaired, it impacts how the others work. As a pyramid relies on piling on one block after the other, and when one crumbles, the rest come falling, connected devices in marketing work the same way.     



Four best practices for big data security in cloud computing. (n.d.). SearchCloudComputing.

Baltzan, P. (2022). Business-driven technology. Mcgraw-Hill Education.

Cascavilla, G., Tamburri, D. A., & Van Den Heuvel, W.-J. (2021). Cybercrime threat intelligence: A systematic multi-vocal literature review. Computers & Security, 105, 102258.

Chng, S., Lu, H. Y., Kumar, A., & Yau, D. (2022). Hacker types, motivations, and strategies: A comprehensive framework. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 5(100167), 100167.

End of Preview

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Student's Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Code and Name

Instructor's Name

Due Date

Pirated Software

           Pirated software is the use of software that allows others to copy, distribute, and operate other programs. Pirated software is an ethical issue due to digital theft and denying another individual who has rightfully designed a life out of software development (Cascavilla et al., 2021). The consequences of using pirated software are that other software developers have been led to legal risks owing to the respective demands of their users. This paper focuses on determining how pirated software is an ethical issue when marketing connected devices.

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Part I: Comprehension


·        Yes, the authors are qualified as all of them are scholars and teach at various universities, such as the University of West Georgia and the University of Nevada in the Department of Nursing and psychology, which are relevant to the study. 


           Germany is one of the largest countries in Europe by land mass; this has largely contributed to its popularity, making it one of the most known countries of the Nordic region.  Besides being populous, the country enjoys the largest economy in Europe, which is mainly driven by three sectors: agriculture, service, and industry sectors. The country's large portion of the population is middle-income and is largely contributed by the service, industry, and agriculture sectors. Ever since its unification in the 20th century, the country has seen numerous politically motivated events that have seen the country be plunged into the First and Second World Wars, with the latter leaving the country divided between two political ideologies. The focus of this paper is to determine how culture, legislation, economic and political systems have impacted the conduction of business in the country.

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Policy topic:               GUN CONTROL                                                                                                      

Directions: Do some research and find 3 existing or proposed recent U.S. policies (laws, statutes, etc.) published or proposed on this topic. Do not describe policies proposed/implemented prior to 2000. In addition to a brief description of the policy, you will also indicate the stance (for or against), level of implementation, and provide a link to the actual policy.

Policy 1

Policy name (Precise bill/policy/legislation name):  Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) gun safety bill.                                                                                                                                                                                        

Policy link (Include a direct link to the policy. Do not use Wikipedia, news articles, etc. Go directly to the source for information):                        

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